

March 04, 2018

Weaving Blooms
1st Grade Weaving Paper Plate Blooms

Weaving paper plates is not a new lesson and most teachers have sone it at least once with their classes. I love teaching students how to create fabric art and I decided to try tis with 1st grade. I wasn't sure how it would go since the have to measure and cut the yarn and most of them can't tie yet. So I modified it to be a little less crazy and here's how:
1. Measuring yarn - hold yarn in on hand and stretch it out with both arms then cut. 2 arms long is the size they need so it's not too short or too long. 
2. Instead of tying the pieces together - I have them tape it to the back of their plate when they start and finish. You can use either scotch or masking tape.
3. Cut the plates to create your loom instead of stringing it with yarn. Odd number of pieces and I had them use only 5 so they were easier and wouldn't tear off.

I incorporate a lot of books in my curriculum. When I teach weaving I have a lot of different books that I use, but depending on what project I'm doing will determine the book/books I use.

For this project, I chose:
"Weaving the Rainbow" by George Ella Lyon is a great book for younger kids. I love this book because it talks about where yarn comes from and how it's made along with the weaving process.

I hope you enjoy our March 2018 Newsletter! Students are finalizing their pottery pieces. These look so great and I just love all of them. Also coming up is the Oldham County District Art Show at the arts center, hope to see everyone there.

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