

November 06, 2018

Create your own Channel!  

One of the best things I have done over the years is create my own YouTube channel.

I use videos to teach lots of concepts and this is a great way to store them for easy access and it also allows you to post them so kids can watch them as instructional tools.

Do you have lots of videos that you use in your classroom? 
Is it hard to find them and/or you feel like you have to search through a billion folders and files to find them? 

This is what I have used for years with all my classes and since I teach K-5th grade, it has been a lifesaver.

How can you use it in the classroom?
You literally have all your videos (both the ones you create and others) at your fingertips. You can create a playlist of links that can be shared - privately or publicly, if you'd like. The link will take students, colleagues and parents straight to your saved videos. YouTube will also generate you a embedded code to add to your blog, google classroom page, etc... It's perfect for students who might need to watch a video again for "extra practice" or to find important information during the school year.

Here's a link (below) to one of my favorite borrowed videos. I have playlists for both ART & STEAM!
Never Give Up! 

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