

August 23, 2020

 back to school

Welcome to the 2020/2021 School Year "Virtual Style"

Soon we begin the 2020/2021 School Year and it's definately going to be a unique situtation. This will be my first year not being face-to-face with my amazing art students. My heart is heavy as I LOVE seeing all my students each and every day. But, I will be teaching ART...just VIRTUALLY and I'll get to seem them through google meet once a week so that's a huge plus. I'm hoping this will be short lived and we can be back in the classroom together soon. So making the best of this, I've created a ton of interactive and virtual art lessons. As I get them all complete, I'll post them for all to see. 

Here's one of DIGITAL/INTERACTIVE "Welcome Letter" for parents with all the different links and information to hopefully make things easier. 

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