

January 05, 2016

It's always hard going back to school after being off for so long. It's not that we don't miss our students but we hate to leave our families. For most teachers, we spend a lot of our time over break getting things finished from the old year and starting new things for the upcoming year. One of my most favorite things is rearranging my room and changing it u just a little. Students get excited when they see change and it's good to not become stagnate.

One thing I have never really done is New Year's resolutions. I'm not really sure why but if I had to guess it'd be because I wouldn't take them serious. I do however love making "lifestyle changes" and "setting goals-SMART Goals". But, I seen this article and really did like it so I thought I'd share it. Top 12 New Year's Resolutions for Teachers

I also want to share one little thing that has made a difference with my students. I call them "Awesome Awards"

I copy these onto colored paper or card stock and give these out when students do something without me asking or makes an improvement in something they've been struggling with.

Awesome Award Printable
I don't give these out in front of others because some things are just between the student and me. I know that may seem strange because as teachers we want to reward so others will follow, but it makes it really fun and more important for the students.

I place these in a variety of places

-take home folders
-in between papers
-hand them out as they are leaving to go home
-in some cases (if I'm able) I hand them to their parents as the students are getting in their cars to go home

I really do love this and they really go great with "Leader in Me" theme if you or your school participates in it.

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