

April 05, 2019

I get asked this alot...
"What is STEAM?"

STEAM is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. It's an educational approach to learning that uses problem solving for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. The end results are students who have real-world problems to solve are naturally motivated. 

STEAM education provides children opportunities to work on a task, experiment, correct mistakes and develop strategies. They are able to create theories that they test and then modify them from what happens. It provides children with an active role in their own learning. It also allows for independent, partner and group work to take place, giving them real-world scenerios.  

A really great website that I found to better explain all the ascpects of STEAM is "Understanding STEAM and how children use it." 

1st Graders Designing a shoe adapted to where they're traveling

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