

July 27, 2019

Exciting News!
I'm Google Level 1 Certified

As an art teacher, I thought why should I get certified as a "Google Educator"? 

Well after doing a ton of research and checking out some BLOGS (which I will list below), I realized that it would be a great resource for me and something I'd like to integrate into my own teaching and classroom.

The source that really helped me was going through Kasey Bell's matrix that she posts for FREE. Here's the link to her site: 

I had never used Google Classroom and I soon fell in love with a  lot of aspects of it. I will be posting videos and more information as I document my process. You can also find how I used it previously in my "STEAM" classes under my labels titled STEAM & Google Classroom. 

Here are a few other sites that I've found that have some great resources, etc...

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