

September 30, 2017

Learning About Lines
Teaching the elements of art to younger students can get mundane, so I try to incorporate books, songs, videos and poems into my art lessons. 

One cute poem I use was inspired by another art teacher, but I altered it to include more line types. My Kindergarteners and 1st graders love it. 

Lines Poster (click here to see poster)

I start by having students repeat after me each section of the poem so they can learn it. As I'm reading it, I use hand movements to replicate the different lines. It's so fun because soon the kids start doing the same thing. They learn so fast and they love seeing the snake at the end.  

Lines that the poem includes are:

Zig Zag

Learning About Color
Teaching the concept of the color wheel is one of the first lessons in my art room. The reason why, is students need to learn how to mix colors, what colors compliment each other and how colors can be mixed together in a way that makes sense.

Color Wheels

This is one of my posters that I use. Just click on "Color Wheels" above and you can check out some of my other designs that include these types of colors:

Warm & Cool Colors
Analogous Colors
Complimentary Colors
Primary Colors
Secondary Colors

...I truly believe that it's important for students to have a sketchbook. I use them with every child through out the school year for a variety of reasons: 
1. Great way to introduce the concepts of line, shapes and patterns. 
2. Allows you to see before starting any art projects, their artistic abilities. 
3. Great for early finishers.
4. Allows you the chance to teach drawing techniques such as outlining with markers and coloring with crayons and colored pencils. 

When starting the school year, each student creates a sketchbook cover and then we assemble their sketchbooks. The inside pages are filled with newsprint paper for sketching.

I almost always use a "Name Design" theme for their covers. This is a great way to learn your students names faster and they love having something that belongs to them.

I only spend 1-3 days on their sketchbook designs. Easier designs less time than complicated designs. The reason why is I want these to be a work in progress (using them when a project is finished early) and I want them to take their time and go slow with their patterns, etc... If you spend too many days in a row, they get bored and hurry through them. 

These are just one example of the "Name Design" for this school year. I'll post more ideas as students finish up there covers.

3rd Grade Landscapes - Ton Shulten Style

Students are working hard on their Ton Shulten Style Landscapes after learning about subject matter: landscapes and the art/artist Ton Shulten. 

These are turning out so vibrant and I love using pastels. They are messy but so worth it. In this lesson I incorporate texture by using glue as a drawing medium. Here's a link to one version of this lesson: Ton Shulten Landscapes

This time I changed the lesson to allow each student to create their own landscape version, so each one is different than the other. I did put some guidelines for them to follow since we were basing our art on another artist. 

Here's some examples of their work...absolutely amazing and so much fun!

September 28, 2017

Artists of the Month!

Check out the great art on my "Artists of the Month" Bulletin Board! I know I'm going to be filling this board up fast with all the great art and artists. 

Way to go Gator Artists - Will, Sadie & Caroline!

Second graders working hard on their "Tree of Life" based on the artist and art of Gustave Klimt.

Students used metallic oil pastels and metallic paint to simulate the gold Gustave Klimt used in his artwork. 

Kindergarten Color Wheels!
Kindergarten created these awesome color wheels using the elements of art: lines, shapes and color - primary and secondary colors. 

They were given red, yellow and blue paint and then had to mix their secondary colors. 

September 25, 2017

New Bulletin Boards!

So many amazing works of art that will be going up:) through out the school. These are the NEW Bulletin Boards that I'll be adding them too! Can't wait to see them completely filled. 

Kindergarten really ROCKED OUT these "Jabuti Tourtoise's" (based off the book Jabuti)...Way to GO! KinderGators used chalk and oil pastels to create their very own Jabuti. They also learned that portraits don't have to be of themselves or another person. 

Warm & Cool Colors!
4th Grade is busy creating their warm and cool color "Great Waves" based on the artist and art of Hokusai. Check out this video to learn more about this artist and his amazing art. 

September 13, 2017

It's already September and I'm excited to share our next newsletter - September Newsletter, check it out! 

To view the PDF, just click on the link above and download the PDF to you computer. You do not need dropbox or to install anything, just download the file.

If you you need anything, don't hesitate to contact me. The best way is to email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. is my e-mail.

September 03, 2017

3rd Grade Color Wheels

3rd, 4th and 5th Graders are working hard learning about color and how to mix the secondary and intermediate colors using only the primary colors (red, yellow and blue). 

They are creating "Color Wheels". 

– 3rd Grade added a design to their color wheels.

4th Grade Radial Symmetry Color Wheels

– 4th Grade is designing and learning about radial symmetry as they created these color wheels. These "Radial Symmetry Color Wheels" are absolutely beautiful.  

5th Grade Margaritte Eye Color Wheels
Margaritte - "Eye with Clouds" Painting
– 5th Grade is creating "Margaritte Color Wheels" based on 
the artist 
Rene Margaritte.  Margaritte was a Belgian Surrealist artist.

1st Graders are working hard learning about color and how to mix the secondary colors using only the primary colors (red, yellow and blue). We are creating "Fish Color Wheels".

These turned out so cute and I love how they are all slightly different. Amazing!

So excited about all the great things we are working on in Art. I have the Artsonia page loaded with some of your childs artwork and will continue to post work as they complete it. If your child has art complete, then you should be getting emails about their art being posted. Remember this is also an "Art Fundraising" event and you were emailed/sent home passwords to login. If you need your login information please email me and I can send it to you. 

Be looking out for the September Newsletter. It has some upcoming school and art information on it.

I recently sent home permission slips for 4th and 5th grade Art Club. An email will be sent this week of the students participating since the club is limited to 25 students. Also don't forget to send in your $25.00 art club fee with your child's permission slip. Art Club Permission Slip, just click on link and download.

If you you need anything, don't hesitate to contact me: