

September 03, 2017

So excited about all the great things we are working on in Art. I have the Artsonia page loaded with some of your childs artwork and will continue to post work as they complete it. If your child has art complete, then you should be getting emails about their art being posted. Remember this is also an "Art Fundraising" event and you were emailed/sent home passwords to login. If you need your login information please email me and I can send it to you. 

Be looking out for the September Newsletter. It has some upcoming school and art information on it.

I recently sent home permission slips for 4th and 5th grade Art Club. An email will be sent this week of the students participating since the club is limited to 25 students. Also don't forget to send in your $25.00 art club fee with your child's permission slip. Art Club Permission Slip, just click on link and download.

If you you need anything, don't hesitate to contact me:

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