

January 08, 2018

"K" Gumball Machines

A really fun artist to introduce students to is Wayne Thiebaud. His "Dessert" art is absolutely amazing. Check out this interview that CBS Sunday Morning did with him: Interview Video

Kindergarten Examples

This, Wayne Thiebaud, lessons is a perfect way to introduce younger students to layering - creating objects in front and behind others. It's a little tough, but if you take it slow and model it, the results are priceless.

Lesson Concepts for Kindergarten:
- Shapes - basic shape drawing without using tools.
- Coloring - technique
- Outlining - technique 
- Layering - how to make basic shapes look like they are in front and behind one another. Very hard concept, but a great introduction piece for students to learn from. 

When teaching this lesson I discuss money, etc... with the students. It's a great collaborative piece for art and classroom teachers alike. 

Teaching Tips: If you are a classroom teacher, this lesson would be perfect to use with money. Have students figure up how much money they could make if they sold all of there gumballs, how many gumballs would they need to sell to make a certain amount of money, etc... I would probably use this with 2nd or 3rd grader's. 

Another great money lesson is this one "Breakfast Menu". Just click on the words breakfast menu above and it'll take you to the link. Anytime as a teacher you can create lessons that incorporate multiple subjects, the results will be amazing. 

Pablo Picasso 4th Grade Rooster Portraits

"Roosters" Pablo Picasso Style

Art by Pablo Picasso
If you have access to Brain Pop, Jr., I recommend using the site to introduce students to the art work and artist Pablo Picasso (  The print (to the left) is of Picasso's original that I based this project on. Love all the bright colors. 

4th Grade Student Examples
This lesson is a good change from the basic Picasso portrait lessons that you might normally do with students. You can teach this lesson using a variety of different mediums and concepts. I chose watercolors and oil pastels because I wanted to introduce the concepts of analogous and complimentary colors to students. 

Portraits - artwork of a person, animal and/or both a person and animal.  

Lesson Basics: 
- Portraits - Brain Pop has a great video you can use when teaching/introducing students to portraits. 
- Elements and Principals of Art - Line, Shape, Texture, etc...
- Color - Analogous and Complimentary (Check out my color wheel posters that I use when teaching these concepts. Just click on "color wheel posters" in purple above
- Medium - Oil Pastels and Watercolors

If you'd like to see step-by-step directions and lessons on my art projects, check out my Teachers Pay Teachers Shoppe.
I love creating new art projects for my students and am happy to share my passion with others. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy our January 2018 Newsletter! So many amazing things happening in 2018, I can't wait to share them all with you. I have the best career ever...

To view the PDF, just click on the link above and download the PDF to you computer. You do not need dropbox or to install anything, just download the file.

January 02, 2018

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas/Winter Break and a wonderful start to the New Year. I'm so excited about all the great art we will be creating in 2018. I love having the time to get creative myself, I'll be introducing students to some new artists and art work that students are going to love. 

I found this on a post and thought I needed to share this with everyone. What a great way to be reminded ourselves and others at how art can change our lives. 

So lets start the New Year off RIGHT and CREATE ART from the HEART!

Never Stop Loving and Creating Art!

As a teacher, I thinks it's so important to be artist's ourselves. I love painting, pastels and designing. I took some time over the break and started working on my 2nd art book. I know it's lessons for my students, but I'm hoping to share it with many others. Leaving a legacy of LOVING ART as much as I do is my goal in life. 

I can't wait to share it and see how it turns out. Here's a sneak peek at the cover design. But, it may change before I'm all finished. will change, because I'm always changing things around, lol!

I've posted a few of the lessons from my book onto my TPT Shoppe. I hope they will inspire others as much as I have been inspired to create them