

January 08, 2018

"K" Gumball Machines

A really fun artist to introduce students to is Wayne Thiebaud. His "Dessert" art is absolutely amazing. Check out this interview that CBS Sunday Morning did with him: Interview Video

Kindergarten Examples

This, Wayne Thiebaud, lessons is a perfect way to introduce younger students to layering - creating objects in front and behind others. It's a little tough, but if you take it slow and model it, the results are priceless.

Lesson Concepts for Kindergarten:
- Shapes - basic shape drawing without using tools.
- Coloring - technique
- Outlining - technique 
- Layering - how to make basic shapes look like they are in front and behind one another. Very hard concept, but a great introduction piece for students to learn from. 

When teaching this lesson I discuss money, etc... with the students. It's a great collaborative piece for art and classroom teachers alike. 

Teaching Tips: If you are a classroom teacher, this lesson would be perfect to use with money. Have students figure up how much money they could make if they sold all of there gumballs, how many gumballs would they need to sell to make a certain amount of money, etc... I would probably use this with 2nd or 3rd grader's. 

Another great money lesson is this one "Breakfast Menu". Just click on the words breakfast menu above and it'll take you to the link. Anytime as a teacher you can create lessons that incorporate multiple subjects, the results will be amazing. 

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