

August 21, 2018

Welcome to our first STEAM Newsletter and some exciting things happening at our school. 

STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math

August STEAM Newsletter - To view the PDF, just click on the link and download the PDF to you computer. You do not need dropbox or to install anything, just download the file.

Google Classroom Learners
Here's a look at some great things happening in our classroom. Students are working hard learning their username and passwords. They are also learning how to join and use our "Google Classroom" page. This is where they will become DIGITAL LEARNERS! To learn more about "Google Classroom" check out this website: Ed Tech Teacher's Post

August 08, 2018

For the Love of Symbaloo!  

One of my favorite technology tools is "symbaloo". For those of you who aren't sure what symbaloo is, this post will give you details and ways in which I've used it in my classrooms. 

Do you have lots of great websites, videos, etc... that you use in your classroom? 
Is it hard to find them and/or you feel like you have a billion bookmarks? 

Well, this is what I have used for years with all my classes and since I teach K-5th grade, it has been a lifesaver.

My Symbaloo Webmix
Symbaloo is a FREE visual bookmarking tool that makes it simple and fun to organize the best of the web. With an account you can access your bookmarks from any device and share your online resources with others.

How can you use it in the classroom?
You literally have all your websites at your fingertips. You can create a web mix of links that can be shared - privately or publicly, if you'd like. The link will take students, colleagues and parents straight to your webmix. Symbol will also generate you a embedded code to add to your blog. It's perfect for parents who are looking for good websites for "extra practice" or to find important information during the school year.

Check out the symbaloo website to learn more and get started!   

August 07, 2018

The Launch of STEAM!  

I just finished designing some new posters, etc... for our STEAM classroom. Here's just a preview of what I've created. Make sure to check out my TPT shoppe to see all the great things I've made. 

I will be using the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) curriculum as part of our STEAM program this school year. This will be the first year for this program - Launch! I was able to complete my training and get my certificate recently and I'm very excited about the launch of this NEW program. I will post a video and more information later on PLTW so you can see all the great things that will be incorporated in our STEAM program.

These ©posters are my designs that coordinate with our new curriculum and program. If you'd like to purchase or see more designs, you can find them here (click on link): Mrs Clauses Creative Classroom

August 03, 2018

“A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.”  
– Albert Einstein

Welcome to our STEAM Classroom:)  

The school year is almost ready to begin and I've been learning some new things over the summer. Lots of great things are going to be happening in the new STEAM classroom. I did a little remodeling in the technology (STEAM class) this summer, making more room for creativity to flourish in unimaginable ways!

Technology Lab

Although these bulletin boards are bear right now, they won't be for long.

The walls are decorated with 8 posters that make our art room an amazing place to learn and create. These posters are our expectations and follow "How to be a good Leader" in our class and school.

This ©poster is my "design and saying" so students realize "It's OK to make mistakes...we learn from them and grow". I use it in conjunction with a great book titled "Regina's Big Mistake" and it's also my introduction to the school year and new classes!

My theme this year was bright colors and a chalkboard look! I love how the "STEAM Posters" turned out. We re-arranged the computer tables so we could lots of building space and areas to work together as groups. 

The best way to reach me is via my school email account: