

August 07, 2018

The Launch of STEAM!  

I just finished designing some new posters, etc... for our STEAM classroom. Here's just a preview of what I've created. Make sure to check out my TPT shoppe to see all the great things I've made. 

I will be using the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) curriculum as part of our STEAM program this school year. This will be the first year for this program - Launch! I was able to complete my training and get my certificate recently and I'm very excited about the launch of this NEW program. I will post a video and more information later on PLTW so you can see all the great things that will be incorporated in our STEAM program.

These ©posters are my designs that coordinate with our new curriculum and program. If you'd like to purchase or see more designs, you can find them here (click on link): Mrs Clauses Creative Classroom

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