

October 10, 2017

Organization - technology
As an art teacher, you come to learn, really fast, how important it is to be organized. I work really hard to have an organized art room, etc... I'm always learning about new methods, that are helpful, and here is one that I'd like to share: 

Symbaloo - A screen shot of my symbol page.

(click link to view site)

This site allows you to save and store links to your favorite websites, etc... The screen shot (to the left) is an example of my page. 

Symbaloo, not only allows me to remember art sites, but keeps them all in one place so all I have to do is click the link. I can add and change them out when I need to. 

These are just a few of the sites I use, that you might also enjoy. Some of these do require subscriptions. 

I also post videos, audio books and songs about artists/art concepts, too.

Videos/Songs/Audio Books:

Gustave Klimt
Red Grooms
Laurence Anholt
Primary Colors Song

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